
a shiney new interutarine contraceptive.

so today was the big day. i went to my OB/GYN this morning and had the mirena IUC "installed" (i like using that word. i dont know really how else to explain it, but there is something i like about subjectifying myself like a car stereo.)

so, the installation was flat out uncomfortable not unbearable though and went really quick. i've been cramping pretty bad since, but that is supposidly temporary and i'm now baby free for 5 years! or 2 years! or whatever the hubby and i decide that our baby free time should be! YAY!

i do have a check up in 6 weeks so my OB/GYN can take another peak and make sure everything stayed in its place. no big deal though.

oh! and even better news from the dr.'s office, i've officially dropped 20 lbs! 21.2 to be exact! and the blood pressure is looking pretty dang good these days. 122/80 (i think.) fyi: for almost as long as i can remember, my blood pressure has always been on the "high side of normal." nothing to worry about according to my docs, but i'm glad its decided to just be normal. yay!!!


Jo said...

yeaaaaah for 20 lbs! Congrats!

K said...

Yay for the weight loss and bp!! How much weight do you want to lose?

Erin Bradley said...

Awesome!!!!!! You so kicked my ass in the weightloss department but that is soooooo cool. Keep it up honey and you and your man will be extra glad yall got a IUD installed. LOL

holly* said...

oh, i'm on about an 80lb weight loss plan. i'll be happy to be under 200 again (another 20 or so pounds though). i'm in not rush and would just like to get down to 200 and then do the rest gradually.

so far, so good with the IUC. the cramping stoped over night and no "spotting," YAY!


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