
halloween is just around the corner you know?

very soon there will be pumpkin patches left and right. gords will be showing up at your local grocer. as i type there are already super cute halloween stuff all over the internet.

what started me on this halloween schpeal in the middle of august? well, i was looking for a lamp at pottery barn kids that i saw in the last issue of domino magazine (didnt find it there...) and i saw they already had theirhalloween costumes. they are absolutely adorable! but theyre EIGHTY BUCKS or more!!!! who buys a EIGHT DOLLAR HALLOWEEN COSTUME? really? nuts. BUT, the matching puffy treat bags are way cool. check out that oil can!

i think the boogerbear is going to be a babystyle dinosaur this year. its still a little pricey. i think i'm going to wait until october and see if they go on sale. last year i got the booger his costume from babystyle and it was made very well and should last children to come. BUT, i did wait for it to go on sale and got it for $15.

we shall see, but i can totally imagine the boy in that costume RAWRing at everyone. i might even have to make him a matching pail in the shape of a dinosaur egg or something...


How To Eat A Cupcake said...

The Dollar Store already has like 3 aisles of Halloween decorations!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're organized. I am usually out the night before buying up the left overs.

Poor kids!

Jo said...

too funny that you bring this up, Lacy announced that she was going to be a book for Halloween. A book about bugs, to be specific. Hmmm, we will have to see...

KiS said...

"children to come"???

holly* said...

whoa, settle down there now. one day, the may be addition(s) to our family. one day. but certainly not before this or next halloween...


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