
HAPPY Friday with HAPPY Ladies... dammit.

This week started off way lame with uber hot weather and my very much loved escape taking its last gear shift for me. Monday and Tuesday were just the pits. Wednesday night we bought a new car and Thursday was spent dealing with insurance mans and trying to figure out what the heck we were going to do with the escape. so, today being friday, we are happy... dammit. lol. I have a few projects that I haven't shared but thought this happy Friday was a great time! Both use mostly bella blvd and totally bring a smile to my face...

so the boy was invited to the LSS owner's daughter's birthday party a while back. Gah! The pressure to make something was intense. lol. I did have fun decorating her bag. Bells Blvd's washi tape and stickers made this bag perfect!

I love pretty well all things rainbow (UNICORN POOP!) and I love making rainbow layouts, cards, minis, canvas, whatever. Bella Blvd has some great cardstock stickers that are all in the same color family. i.e. shades of yellow/orange or pink/red or blues or greens or even black/white. Anywho, I love them!

Now, off to finish peanut butter cookies for the boy's teacher. They're her favorite!

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