
currently 8.11.2012

listening: flobots pandora station
eating: a fluffy english muffin with homemade strawberry-nectarine honey jam
drinking: a lovely iced coffee
touching: husband's epic naga mouse. shhhh....
watching: a holiday episode of Warehouse 13
reading: nothing atm. need to load up my kindle again...
wearing: jeans, black top
feeling: overwhelmed but content. (because that makes sense)
weather: clear skies. slightly on the hot side. what is weather?
wanting: :my order from printstagram!
needing: time and more hands and to dye my hairs
thinking: netflix mixed up the seasons/episodes of drop dead diva (don't judge)
enjoying: a few hours to gather my thoughts and laundry
looking forward to: a drive up into oakland with the MIL to visit SIL and cutie patootie niece 
missing: my grandma and her fried chicken
wondering: if i can make grass grow. silly yard...

have a great weekend!

1 comment:

The Sonboul's said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comment. I also have 6 years of baby weight. I can't believe it's been that long! Good luck on your journey as well. The hardest part is day one. After that it's one foot in front of the other :)


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