
waiting for paint to dry...

oh, dont mind me. just hanging out. working on a new post for this coming monday over at the SBSRUS blog. well, really just finishing up some details, but sometimes i wish things just would scoot along faster. like this coming week for instance. husband is gone (*sigh*) and, while i have enjoyed myself this past week keeping the boogerbear and myself on our own schedules, i'm ready for him to come home already. oh well, exciting things are afoot and i've been able to over-organize myself into a complete frenzy. on that note, i think i need to do a little craft area housekeeping.

its not at its worst, but i'm at a good stopping point to get things back at ground zero.

until next time...
sunshine and bunnies,

ps. lulz at using a really aweful webcam...


Irrational Dad said...

REALLY awful webcam... I know you've got a better camera around there somewhere.

holly* said...

well, it does have a focus that i see little reason to use...


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